
The solutions presented below make up the 100 innovations that RESIST is committed to test, validate and implement across the 12 different European regions it is working with. These solutions were identified based on their ability to adapt to context-specific climate-related challenges. Furthermore, the solutions are meant to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change at present and in the near future. They have all been designed to meet sustainability principles. Also, our explicit aim is to address challenges in such a way that they do not aggravate or generate other undesired socio-environmental challenges. Before being implemented, solutions will undergo a rigorous testing and validation phase to ensure the greatest possible impact in the long run.

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Soil erosion

Soil erosion




  • Innovation type

    BEST Adapt

    Floods, Soil erosion

    Socio-economic decision support tool developed to include cost/benefit analysis of all water sources across rainwater, groundwater, streams and fjords as well as recreational value using hedonic pricing.

  • Innovation type

    Early warning app

    Floods, Soil erosion

    An early warning system based on data from Internet of Things groundwater loggers to better prepare citizens against flooding.

  • Innovation type

    XR visualisations

    Floods, Soil erosion

    Using extended reality to visualise large-scale climate adaptation projects and allowing for a greater involvement of stakeholders.

  • Innovation type

    Flood-resistant housing

    Floods, Soil erosion

    Constructing two demonstration buildings that can withstand flooding and use these installations to spark dialogue with citizens.

  • Innovation type

    IoT data logs

    Floods, Soil erosion

    Implementating a dense network of Inertnet of Things data loggers to measure the groundwater level in the coastal towns of Juelsminde and Lemvig​.

  • Innovation type

    Graphic Digital Twin

    Droughts, Floods, Soil erosion

    Using Graphical Digital Twins to model impacts and real-life scenarios.