NOCCA: Nordic Adaptation Conference 2025

The 6th Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation, NOCCA23’ takes place in Iceland, Reykjavík Grand Hotel on the 17th-18th of April 2023, the same year that Iceland will hold the Presidency at the Nordic Council of Ministers. 

The focus of NOCCA 2023 is on adaptation in cities and municipalities in the Nordic countries. What actions have been implemented and how, what has worked and what are the key learnings in the adaptation process. The event is a valuable venue for Nordic countries to exchange key learnings and to open the dialog on adaptation. 

The conference welcomes all who work on climate change adaptation, within the fields of science, in local communities, governments and municipal administration, in ministries and national authorities, politics, businesses, industry and NGOs. 

Conference output and key messages 

NOCCA collects knowledge from municipal experts and civil servants to enhance the value of current work carried out in the Nordic region and contributes to the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation into decision-making and planning on the municipal level. It will provide a certain overview of the knowledge of existing methodological approaches to climate change adaptation on the municipal level in the Nordic region.

The output from the workshops will be synthesized in a policy brief for further Nordic cooperation on adaptation, especially for upcoming ECCA23 and/or COP28.