The solutions presented below make up the 100 innovations that RESIST is committed to test, validate and implement across the 12 different European regions it is working with. These solutions were identified based on their ability to adapt to context-specific climate-related challenges. Furthermore, the solutions are meant to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change at present and in the near future. They have all been designed to meet sustainability principles. Also, our explicit aim is to address challenges in such a way that they do not aggravate or generate other undesired socio-environmental challenges. Before being implemented, solutions will undergo a rigorous testing and validation phase to ensure the greatest possible impact in the long run.
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Challenge Category
Soil erosion
New energy sources
Droughts, Heatwaves, WildfiresFinding transformative solutions for energy due to risk of reduced reliability of hydroelectric resources.
Water, forest management solutions
Droughts, Heatwaves, WildfiresFostering transformative solutions in water and forest management to boost resilience in rural communities faced with threats such as drought and wildfires.
Tourism innovations
Droughts, Floods, HeatwavesApplying innovative solutions geared to the tourism industry to boost climate reslience in the region.
Site-specific warnings
Droughts, Floods, HeatwavesImplementing impact-based, site-specific warning services to tackle climate-related emergencies.
Policy coherence
FloodsUsing data collection for the development of decision-making tools and to encourage increased policy coherence.
Stakeholder engagement
FloodsBoosting engagement and awareness of climate challenges among stakeholders such as citizens and decision-makers.