The Spanish city of Valencia, the European Green Capital for 2024, hosted the European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO) and Energy Cities’ Annual Forum Grafting Cities at the end of June, bringing together leaders, experts, and stakeholders in urban sustainability and resilience. The RESIST and AT LAST projects participated in these events, which were held as part of Cities Climate Week and focused on advancing sustainable urban practices and enhancing climate resilience.
European Urban Resilience Forum: Enhancing Climate Adaptability
The 11th edition of EURESFO took place at Valencia’s Palau de la Musica from 26-28 June, co-organised by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and the European Environment Agency (EEA). Panel sessions focused on resource-wise cities, addressing challenges related to land, water, energy, and material scarcity. Speakers from Lyon Métropole and Vitoria Gasteiz shared innovative strategies to enhance urban sustainability and resilience, stressing the importance of behavioural change and community engagement.
This event was an occasion for RESIST partners INOVA+, ERRIN and REVOLVE to come together to present the project. EURESFO24 was also a perfect moment to join efforts with RESIST’s sister project Regions4Climate. Both projects shared booth to bring together a total of 24 European regions advancing on climate change adaptation.
Together, project representatives attended sessions such as “Navigating Forward: Policies for a Water Resilient Europe,” where speakers from Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain addressed the increasing frequency of water-related disasters and stressed the importance of water management.
During the session: “Just Resilience across Europe – Building our collective capacities on the ‘what, why and how,” discussions were made on equitable access to resources, community engagement, and policy frameworks to enhance resilience against environmental challenges across European cities. Participants advocated for collaborative approaches to foster sustainable and fair urban environments.
Furthermore, workshops such as “Co-creating climate adaptation solutions: an interactive workshop on citizen engagement” allowed participants to discover hands-on solutions to overcome current environmental challenges. The collaboration emphasised equity and innovation in tackling climate issues and to reach more inclusive climate adaptation solutions.

Energy Cities Annual Forum: A Hub for Sustainable Urban Energy
The Energy Cities Annual Forum, Grafting Cities 2024, hosted on June 26-27, marked an important gathering for AT LAST Project partners. Participants explored sustainable urban energy solutions, sharing experiences and strategies to help smaller European cities implement Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs). The event highlighted the critical role of cross-sector collaboration in achieving climate-neutral and resilient cities.
During the Forum, discussions focused on unlocking climate finance for urban transformation. Panellists emphasised the importance of well-prepared projects and the need for both public and private investments. The European Investment Bank (EIB) announced substantial funding commitments, stressing the necessity of regulatory stability and city-level guarantees to mobilise climate finance effectively.
Promoting Dialogue and Forging Collaborations
The participation of the RESIST and AT LAST projects at the European Urban Resilience Forum and Energy Cities Annual Forum highlights their role in advancing sustainable urban practices and enhancing climate resilience across Europe. These gatherings play a crucial role in promoting dialogue, sharing innovative solutions, and forging collaborations essential for developing more environmentally sustainable and resilient cities.